Here we rerouted the stream. Before, the stream poured into a 530mm concrete pipe located in Maria Feghts St and flowed down to a common conduit and further on down to the sewage treatment plant. Now we have directed the stream into a new pipe 600DV (x-Stream) and further to a sand trap (K6) and on further to (K5) as a self-fall (gravity) or channel flow. K5 is an Aiwell Water full flow tank. In this tank, the flow becomes self perpetuating because of the gravity controlled pressurized system and the water is passed on in 355 PE100 SDR11 pipes to K4 at a much higher speed and in a smaller dimension tube, with an inside diameter of only 290mm. In K4 the water velocity is slowed down and the water goes on to K3 in 600DV (x-Stream) again. Overwater and drain water for the area are introduced into the system at K3. From K3 the water continues running in a 600DV (x-Stream) until it arrives at K2, which is also an Aiwell Water full-flow tank. Here the water continues in 355PE with an internal diameter of 290mm as a gravity controlled pressurized system to K1 which is a huge culvert. With this system, when the stream water is rerouted so that there can be no overflow of sewage into the ocean, the environment is saved. Additionally, costs are reduced by using trenchless drilling with smaller dimensions. There is also quicksand in the area that would make digging very demanding and risky.
Aiwell Water AS entered into a collaboration with NTNU and Professor Sveinung Sægrov who has been a supervisor of a student in a project assignment. This was very useful for both Aiwell Water AS and the Drammen municipality.
Aiwell Water`s full flow tank in K5
Aiwell Water`s full flow tank in K2
Stream is contained on the left, overflow to old common pipe on the right.
Inlet pressure line to the left and overflow to old common pipe to right.
Here the overflow enters the old 530mm diameter concrete pipe and continues on to the old common pipe.
600DV x-Stream pipe fom Inflow to K6 sand trap tank
K5 sand trap tank and K5 Aiwell Water`s full flow tank
PE355 pipe will be inserted into K5 Aiwell Water tank
Aiwell Water`s full flow tank during installation into a concrete rings. Here the inlet was changed from 400mm to 600mm afterit was installed.
Anchoring of PE355 pipe at K5
In K4 slows down the water flow then it continues on to K3
From K3 to K2 (Aiwell Water tank) as a gravity stream.
K2 (Aiwell Water tank) closest to K3 and K4
Here starts drilling at K4 and it ends up at the culvert.
Jointing of PE 355 pipes by welding
Mounting of drill bit. It will be pulled in 2 sections: from K4 to inflow; then again from the culvert to K2
Pipe from culvert to Aiwell Water tank in K2
PE355 pipe from K2 inserted into the culvert at K1